Jersey Origin Northwave - enfant
Conçu avec un tissu respirant, il possède une fermeture éclair plus simple a enfiler.
Il a 3 poches sur l'arrière du maillot.
Conçu avec un tissu respirant, il possède une fermeture éclair plus simple a enfiler.
Il a 3 poches sur l'arrière du maillot.
Veste imperméable T3000 Nyons de Jeantex
Capuche amovible et resserrable
Maillot DESOTO
Poche dans le dos
Salice helmet for children with all the features of an adult helmet. It includes an easy adjustment system that ensures a stable helmet position on the head, as well as a three-position flashing taillight for greater safety in the dark. The built-in mold construction makes this helmet the ideal companion for your child safely.
For information :
The ecological tax is included in our prices. Please note, if you are a marketer (purchase from countries outside France), it is up to you to pay this ecological tax.
The ecological tax is payable on all products sold in sports.
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